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The vehicle to drive your message home!

ICU Media is the one stop multi-meida shop here to assist you in creatively fulfilling all your communications expectations, from conception of an idea to the birth of your marketing/advertising campaign in all media markets.

Susan E. Terry, President and Marketing Consultant, brings over 30 years experience in marketing, multi-media productions, public relations, management, sales, fund raising and all facets of the broadcast film/video, radio and television industry. She has been employed and contracted by independent film companies, all major Canadian networks, while freelancing in the film, video, radio and marketing industries for a long list of clients from all facets of the world of commerce.

On occasion, the owner has been mistaken for Wonder Woman! She is always full of Wonder, is open to Creativity and lives by the Universal law of attraction, "If it can be imagined, it can be manifested"!

So, when you are satisfied wth browsing through the site, just click on the contact button up on your left, and give us a buzz to discover how our imaginings creatively unfold.


List of Clients

Cartridge World, Northern Adventures, Sunset Cove Lodge, Green Road Cottages, Conseil scolaire catholique Franco Nord, Near North District School Board (DSB), Lake Nipissing's South Shore, Jewels of Lake Nipissing, Catalyst, Conseil scolaire publique de Nord Est, North Bay and District Health Unit, Muskoka-Parry Sound District Health Unit, Nipissing Language Training Centre, The Salon and JBL Hair Den, Ontario Association or Supervision and Curriculum, Professional Training Solutions, D's Esthetics, North Bay Complimentary Medicine Centre, Toronto DSB, Peel County DSB, Dufferin Peel Catholic DSB, Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic DSB, Conseil scolaire district catholique des Aurores boréales, St. Clair Catholic DSB, Renfrew County Catholic DSB, Renfrew County DSB, Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic DSB, Conseil scolaire Grande district du Nord Ontario, DSB Ontario North East, Dufferin Peel DSB, Superior Greenstone DSB, Conseil scolaire de district du Centre-Sud-Ouest, Hastings and Prince Edward DSB, York Region DSB, Northeastern Catholic DSB, Provincial & Demonstration Schools, Algoma DSB, Huron Superior Catholic DSB, Rainbow DSB, Conseil des écoles publiques de l'Est de L'Ontario, Natures Harvest, Project Flanders, Ontario Northland, and many more....




Multi-media Marketing

Develop Brand Marketing & Communication strategies across all media platforms; consulting; desktop publishing all print media; television, radio production; internet website design

Media Relations Consulting

Media consulting; Develop communications strategies; Write, produce and transmit press releases, newsletters; Event launch and conference coordination.


Develop promotional campaigns; source and supply specialty items complimentary to campaign.

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